This is simply a POC and my way of writing down my thoughts about how I would want to implement a CQRS system. The focus here is on components/tools and functions that can be interchanged rather than a full framework.
Domain Model (Aggregate)
This is the object that represents the state of our model. Only it can change its own state as a result of Commands. Each state change results in an Event.
A storage facility for events/history/facts. This can be in memory or backed by a database. What I have here is in memory.
The medium through which facts of state change are shared to interested observers.
These are the observers of facts of state changes. They are functions to be invoked when the domain model has changed its state.
A component through which we create and access the domain model.
Objects representing an intent of state change by the user on the domain model.
Functions with the purpose of communicating the intended state change to the domain model.
Objects representing a fact of state change in the domain model.
Based on these definitions of the components, the system should work like this:
CommandHandlers are effectively
CH(Command) -> [...Event]
Actions the domain model can execute are
A() -> [...Event]
This means every intention to change the state of the domain model results in n events (where n = 0 is a failure and n > 0 is success).
Examples of usage
Of course, I'll use a Todo application because that's the app any system can build.
Eventuality = require 'eventuality'
Todo = Eventuality.defineAggregate
name: 'Todo'
description: null
completed: false
complete: ->
@state.completed = true
Eventuality.Event(aggregateId: @id, name: 'TodoCompletedEvent', payload: {completed: true}, state: @state)
TodoCommands =
CreateTodo: ({id, description }) -> name: 'CreateTodo', message: {id, description}
MarkAsCompleted: ({ id }) -> name: 'MarkAsCompleted', message: {id}
TodoEventStore = Eventuality.EventStore()
TodoRepository = Eventuality.Repository 'Todo', Todo, TodoEventStore
TodoCommandHandlers =
CreateTodo: (attrs) -> TodoRepository.add attrs
MarkAsCompleted: ({ id }) ->
TodoRepository.load(id).then (todo) ->
TodoEventBus = Eventuality.EventBus()
TodoCreatedEventListenerToUpdateDB = (event) -> # Update database...
TodoCreatedEventListenerToLogStuff = (event) -> # Do some logging...
TodoCreatedEvent: [
TodoCompletedEvent: [
(event) ->
# More stuff to be done
It can(doesn't have to) all come together like so...
TodoFlow = Eventuality.Flow
eventStore: TodoEventStore
eventBus: TodoEventBus
commandHandlers: TodoCommandHandlers
## Later when the user wants to do things...
TodoFlow.dispatch TodoCommands.CreateTodo id: 'todo1', description: 'Create a todo'
TodoFlow.dispatch TodoCommands.MarkAsCompleted id: 'todo1'